Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sweet Potato and Ginger Soup

I had extra roasted sweet potatoes from last weekend's cupcakes, so I decided to dig out an old favorite soup recipe. It's from an unlikely soup source: Weber's Real Grilling cookbook. Last time I made it I grilled the sweet potatoes, onions, and ginger. This time, since I had already roasted the sweet potatoes (and my grill is buried in storage ready for its move to Michigan...), I decided to just oven-roast the onions and ginger. This soup is simple and easy to make. The potato makes a nice thick broth and the ginger adds a nice kick of flavor. I can't say that I can actually taste the roasted red onions, but sweetness of the red onion combines well with the sweetness of the roasted, caramelized sweet potatoes. Definitely try it as the temps start to go down!

Grilled or Oven-Roasted Sweet Potato and Ginger Soup
from Weber's Real Grilling
makes about 8 cups of soup

2 pounds sweet potatoes, rinsed and scrubbed
1 medium red onion
1 section fresh ginger, about 1.5 inches by 1.5 inches
6 cups low-sodium chicken or vegetable broth
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
1/4 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
1/4 cup half and half
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh Italian parsley
1 tablespoon lime juice
salt and pepper for seasoning
(vegetable oil, if grilling)

To oven roast the potatoes, onions and ginger:
Prick sweet potatoes all over with a fork and roast at 400 degrees for about an hour, or until tender. Slice the onions into 1/4-inch slices and thickly slice the peeled ginger. The onions and ginger can go in the oven for part of the time, as they only need about 20 minutes to soften. When the potatoes have cooled, cut them in half lengthwise and scoop out potato flesh from the skins. Discard the skins.

To grill the potatoes, onions and ginger:
Peel and slice sweet potatoes into 1/2-inch slices. Cut red onion crosswise into 1/2-inch slices. Leave the ginger in one, whole, peeled piece. Lightly brush or spray the sweet potatoes, onions, and ginger on all sides with some vegetable oil. Season with salt and pepper. Grill over direct medium heat until potatoes, onions, and ginger are well marked, about 10 minutes, turning once.

Making the soup:
Finely chop the ginger. In a large saucepan or soup pot, combine the sweet potatoes, onion, ginger, chicken or vegetable broth, allspice, and cayenne. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 30 minutes.

Allow soup to cool for 10-15 minutes. In a blender, food processor, or with a hand-held blender, carefully puree the soup. Return the soup to the pan. Add the half and half, parsley, lime juice, and heat to serving temperature. Taste and season with salt and pepper, if necessary.

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